Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary is a wildlife sanctuary in Uttarakhand, India that was created in 2012.
Nandhaur forms part of the larger area known to conservationists as the Terai Arc Landscape that covers 49,500 sq. km (30,000 sq. km of which is in India, the rest in Nepal). TAL also represents one of the densest populations of the tiger in the world with 14 protected areas (nine in India, five in Nepal) and is home to three flagship species—the tiger, the Asian elephant and the Indian rhinoceros. The TAL in Uttarakhand can be roughly divided into three large landscapes as area between: the river Yamuna and the river Ganga; the Ganga and the Gola; and the Gola and the Sharda.
The Nandhaur landscape lies between the rivers Gola and Sharda, in the Haldwani forest division, whose five ranges, namely Chakata, Nandhaur, Jaulasal, Danda and Sharda, cover about 600 sq. km.